Adsense: The Best Website for Adsense
Adsense: The Best Website for AdsenseA question even more asked, could be:
What is better to use Adsense on a blog or a website?
But, let's first talk about more fundamental things, such as:
• What is a good website in general?
• How do we choose a theme?
• Will the theme of my website attract many visitors(traffic)?
• How do I give value to the visitor?
• Am I passionate about the topic of my website?
• Will Google accept or decline my website?
• Do I put Adsense ads on it from the first day?
Maybethese questions are not written in the good order, but we have to takethem in consideration before we go ahead and put some crappy website onthe net, with nothing useful on it. We even ask ourselves, why we arenot succeeding to make revenue from Adsense ads.
So, first of all we have to determine what theme we will choose for our website or blog. The next question pops up and says:
How do we choose a theme?
Tomake things easier for us we will choose a theme that we are interestedin or even passionate about. That way we will not easily fall in astate of procrastination.
Will the theme of my website attract many visitors?
Tobe able to know that, we will do a search in the search-engines typingour theme within quotes. The number of competing websites will tell usthat it will either be easy or difficult to rank for the main'keywords' of our website. However choosing long-tail keywords(ormultiple keyword phrases) will bring up less competing websites andmake it easier to rank for those 2 or 3 word phrases.
How do we offer value to the visitor?
Ifwe are passionate about a topic we will put more effort in the creationof our website and be able to offer much more value to the visitor. Wewill have more basic knowledge about the topic. This will make iteasier for us to create content to publish on our website. Very oftenwhen your theme has something to do with your hobby or your job youwill be able to write enough unique content with the knowledge youalready have about the subject.
Will Google accept or decline my website?
Toknow that we will have to find out what Google expects from an Adsensepublisher. Google wants you to deliver a complete website that offersinformation that is relevant to what the searcher asks for in thesearch-box on the page of the search-engine.
Google gives morevalue to a website that offers unique and fresh content. Content thatis not written by a software application, but that reads like a humanhas written it.
In addition the website will be well structuredand display a menu with text-links to other pages in the website withrelated content and information about the webmaster, including contactinformation. Doing the above will help you to be accepted for theGoogle Adsense program easily.
Do I put Adsense ads on my website from the first day?
Actuallyit is not a good idea to start displaying Adsense ads right away. Themost successful websites are those with a history of offering goodsolid information to the visitors. Having incoming links from high PRdirectories and important websites related to the theme of thewebsites. Having the ads on your website could form a barrier forwebmasters of authority sites or directories to create links to yourwebsite, because they could have the impression that your only goal isto earn revenue from the ads instead of offering quality content to thevisitor.
A good idea would be to start building your website asdescribed above. Continue offering good information and building linkswith high PR and authority sites until your site has been indexed byGoogle and displays it on the first page for most of your keywordphrases.
After that you can start to monetize your website withthe Google Adsense ads. At that time you will have the right visitorsto your website that are interested in the theme of your website andalso in the titles that the ads display. In addition you will haveenough traffic to make a decent amount of money from the Adsense ads.
Inconclusion it is important to maintain the hard work that is necessaryto keep growing your website with unique content related to the themeof your website. The traffic will grow slowly but sure and as a resultyour Adsense revenue will grow too.
RudyDhondt is your #1 Adsense coach. Get FREE Insider Access to his opt-inlist, private blog and members only forum to learn how to benefit fromGoogle Adsense ads and bank bigger checks.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
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