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Abkhazia www.abkhaziaseek.com
Abu Dhabi www.abudhabiseek.com
Abuja www.abujaseek.com
Accra www.accraseek.com
Afghanistan www.afghanistanseek.com
Africa www.africa2seek.com
Alabama www.alabamaseek.com
Albania www.albaniaseek.com
Alberta www.alberta-seek.com
Algeria www.algeriaseek.com
America www.america2seek.com
Andhra www.andhraseek.com
Andorra www.andorraseek.com
Angola www.angolaseek.com
Anhui www.anhuiseek.com
Argentina www.argentinaseek.com
Armenia www.armeniaseek.com
Artsakh www.artsakhseek.com
Arunachal www.arunachalseek.com
Asia www.asia2seek.com
Asia www.asia-seek.com
Asia www.asiaseek.org
Assam www.assamseek.com
Atlanta www.atlantaseek.com
Auckland www.aucklandseek.com
Australia www.australia-seek.com
Austria www.austria2seek.com
Azerbaijan www.azerbaijanseek.com
Baghdad www.baghdadseek.com
Bahamas www.bahamasseek.com
Bahrain www.bahrainseek.com
Bangkok www.bangkokseek.com
Bangladesh www.bangladeshseek.com
Barbados www.barbadosseek.com
Belarus www.belarusseek.com
Belfast www.belfastseek.com
Belgium www.belgiumseek.com
Belize www.belize-seek.com
Belmopan www.belmopanseek.com
Benin www.beninseek.com
Berlin www.berlinseek.com
Bern www.bernseek.com
Bhutan www.bhutanseek.com
Bihar www.biharseek.com
Birmingham www.birminghamseek.com
Bloemfontein www.bloemfonteinseek.com
Bolivia www.boliviaseek.com
Bosnia www.bosniaseek.com
Botswana www.botswanaseek.com
Brazil www.brazil-seek.com
British Columbia www.britishcolumbia-seek.com
Brunei www.bruneiseek.com
Brussels www.brusselsseek.com
Budapest www.budapestseek.com
Bulgaria www.bulgariaseek.com
Burkina www.burkinaseek.com
Burundi www.burundiseek.com
Cairo www.cairoseek.com
Cambodia www.cambodia-seek.com
Cameroon www.cameroonseek.com
Canada www.canada-seek.com
Canberra www.canberraseek.com
Cape town www.capetownseek.com
Cape Verde www.capeverdeseek.com
Cardiff www.cardiffseek.com
Cayman Islands www.caymanislandsseek.com
Central African www.centralafricanseek.com
Chad www.chadseek.com
Chhattisgarh www.chhattisgarhseek.com
Chile www.chileseek.com
China www.chinaseek.org
Cincinnati www.cincinnatiseek.com
Cleveland www.clevelandseek.com
Colombia www.colombiaseek.com
Columbus www.columbusseek.com
Common Wealth www.commonwealthseek.com
Comoros www.comorosseek.com
Congo www.congoseek.com
Connecticut www.connecticutseek.com
Cook Islands www.cookislandsseek.com
Copenhagen www.copenhagenseek.com
Costa Rica www.costarica-seek.com
Croatia www.croatiaseek.com
Cuba www.cuba-seek.com
Cyprus www.cyprus-seek.com
Czech Republic www.czechrepublicseek.com
Dakar www.dakarseek.com
Delaware www.delawareseek.com
Delhi www.delhiseek.com
Denmark www.denmarkseek.com
Detroit www.detroitseek.com
Dhaka www.dhakaseek.com
Dili www.diliseek.com
Djibouti www.djiboutiseek.com
Doha www.dohaseek.com
Dominica www.dominicaseek.com
Dominican Republic www.dominicanrepublicseek.com
Dublin www.dublinseek.com
East Timor www.easttimorseek.com
Ecuador www.ecuadorseek.com
Edinburgh www.edinburghseek.com
Egypt www.egypt-seek.com
El Salvador www.elsalvadorseek.com
England www.englandseek.com
Equatorial Guinea www.equatorialguineaseek.com
Eritrea www.eritreaseek.com
Estonia www.estoniaseek.com
Ethiopia www.ethiopiaseek.com
Europe www.europe2seek.com
Faroe www.faroeseek.com
Fiji www.fijiseek.com
Finland www.finlandseek.com
France www.franceseek.com
French Polynesia www.frenchpolynesiaseek.com
Fujian www.fujianseek.com
Gabon www.gabonseek.com
Gaborone www.gaboroneseek.com
Gambia www.gambiaseek.com
Gansu www.gansuseek.com
Georgia www.georgia-seek.com
Germany www.germanyseek.com
Ghana www.ghana-seek.com
Gibraltar www.gibraltarseek.com
Greece www.greece-seek.com
Greenland www.greenlandseek.com
Grenada www.grenadaseek.com
Guam www.guamseek.com
Guangdong www.guangdongseek.com
Guangxi www.guangxiseek.com
Guatemala www.guatemalaseek.com
Guernsey www.guernseyseek.com
Guinea www.guineaseek.com
Guinea Bissau www.guinea-bissauseek.com
Guizhou www.guizhouseek.com
Gujarat www.gujaratseek.com
Guyana www.guyanaseek.com
Haiti www.haitiseek.com
Hamilton www.hamiltonseek.com
Hanoi www.hanoiseek.com
Harare www.harareseek.com
Haryana www.haryanaseek.com
Hebei www.hebeiseek.com
Heilongjiang www.heilongjiangseek.com
Helsinki www.helsinkiseek.com
Henan www.henanseek.com
Himachal www.himachalseek.com
Honduras www.hondurasseek.com
Hong Kong www.hongkongseek.com
Hubei www.hubeiseek.com
Hunan www.hunanseek.com
Hungary www.hungaryseek.com
Iceland www.icelandseek.com
India www.india-seek.com
Indianapolis www.indianapolisseek.com
Indonesia www.indonesiaseek.com
Iran www.iran-seek.com
Iraq www.iraqseek.com
Ireland www.ireland-seek.com
Islamabad www.islamabadseek.com
Isle Of Man www.isleofmanseek.com
Israel www.israelseek.com
Istanbul www.istanbulseek.com
Istanbul www.stanbulseek.com
Italy www.italy-seek.com
Ivory Coast www.ivorycoastseek.com
Jakarta www.jakartaseek.com
Jamaica www.jamaicaseek.com
Jammu www.jammuseek.com
Japan www.japan-seek.com
Jersey www.jerseyseek.com
Jerusalem www.jerusalemseek.com
Jharkhand www.jharkhandseek.com
Jiangsu www.jiangsuseek.com
Jiangxi www.jiangxiseek.com
Jilin www.jilinseek.com
Jordan www.jordanseek.com
Kabul www.kabulseek.com
Kampala www.kampalaseek.com
Kansas city www.kansascityseek.com
Karachi www.karachiseek.com
Karnataka www.karnatakaseek.com
Kashmir www.kashmirseek.com
Kathmandu www.kathmanduseek.com
Kazakhstan www.kazakhstanseek.com
Kenya www.kenyaseek.com
Kerala www.keralaseek.com
Kingston www.kingstonseek.com
Kiribati www.kiribatiseek.com
KL www.klseek.com
Korea www.koreanseek.com
Kosovo www.kosovoseek.com
Kow Loon www.kowloonseek.com
Kuala Lumpur www.kualalumpurseek.com
Kuwait www.kuwait-seek.com
Kyrgyzstan www.kyrgyzstanseek.com
Laos www.laosseek.com
Latvia www.latviaseek.com
Lebanon www.lebanon-seek.com
Lesotho www.lesothoseek.com
Liaoning www.liaoningseek.com
Liberia www.liberiaseek.com
Libya www.libyaseek.com
Liechtenstein www.liechtensteinseek.com
Lilongwe www.lilongweseek.com
Lima www.limaseek.com
Lisbon www.lisbonseek.com
Lithuania www.lithuaniaseek.com
London www.london-seek.com
Los Angeles www.losangelesseek.com
Louisville www.louisvilleseek.com
Lusaka www.lusakaseek.com
Luxembourg www.luxembourgseek.com
Macao www.macaoseek.com
Macedonia www.macedoniaseek.com
Madagascar www.madagascarseek.com
Madhya www.madhyaseek.com
Maharashtra www.maharashtraseek.com
Malawi www.malawiseek.com
Malaysia www.malaysiaseek.com
Malaysia www.malaysia-seek.com
Maldives www.maldivesseek.com
Mali www.maliseek.com
Malta www.malta-seek.com
Manchuria www.manchuriaseek.com
Manila www.manilaseek.com
Manipur www.manipurseek.com
Manitoba www.manitoba-seek.com
Mann www.mannseek.com
Maputo www.maputoseek.com
Marshall Islands www.marshallislandsseek.com
Maseru www.maseruseek.com
Massachusetts www.massachusettsseek.com
Mauritania www.mauritaniaseek.com
Mauritius www.mauritiusseek.com
Mayotte www.mayotteseek.com
Meghalaya www.meghalayaseek.com
Melbourne www.melbourneseek.com
Memphis www.memphisseek.com
Mexico www.mexico-seek.com
Mexico City www.mexicocityseek.com
Micronesia www.micronesiaseek.com
Milwaukee www.milwaukeeseek.com
Minneapolis www.minneapolisseek.com
Mizoram www.mizoramseek.com
Moldova www.moldovaseek.com
Monaco www.monacoseek.com
Mongolia www.mongoliaseek.com
Montana www.montanaseek.com
Montenegro www.montenegroseek.com
Montreal www.montrealseek.com
Montserrat www.montserratseek.com
Morocco www.morocco-seek.com
Moscow www.moscowseek.com
Mozambique www.mozambiqueseek.com
Mumbai www.mumbaiseek.com
Myanmar www.myanmarseek.com
Nagaland www.nagalandseek.com
Nagorno Karabakh www.nagorno-karabakhseek.com
Nairobi www.nairobiseek.com
Namibia www.namibiaseek.com
Nauru www.nauruseek.com
Nebraska www.nebraskaseek.com
Neimonggol www.neimonggolseek.com
Nepal www.nepalseek.com
Netherlands www.netherlandsseek.com
Netherlands Antilles www.netherlandsantillesseek.com
Nevada www.nevadaseek.com
New Brunswick www.newbrunswick-seek.com
New Caledonia www.newcaledoniaseek.com
New found land www.newfoundland-seek.com
New Hampshire www.newhampshireseek.com
New Orleans www.neworleansseek.com
New Zealand www.new-zealandseek.com
Newsouthwales www.newsouthwalesseek.com
Nicaragua www.nicaraguaseek.com
Niger www.nigerseek.com
Nigeria www.nigeriaseek.com
Ningxia www.ningxiaseek.com
Niue www.niueseek.com
North Dakota www.northdakotaseek.com
Northern Cyprus www.northerncyprusseek.com
Northern Mariana Islands www.northernmarianaislandsseek.com
Northwest territory www.northwestterritoryseek.com
Norway www.norwayseek.com
Nova Scotia www.novascotia-seek.com
Oman www.oman-seek.com
Ontario www.ontario-seek.com
Orissa www.orissaseek.com
Oslo www.osloseek.com
Pakistan www.pakistan-seek.com
Palau www.palauseek.com
Palestine www.palestineseek.com
Panama www.panama-seek.com
Papua New Guinea www.papuanewguineaseek.com
Paraguay www.paraguayseek.com
Paris www.parisseek.com
Peking www.pekingseek.com
Pennsylvania www.pennsylvaniaseek.com
Perth www.perthseek.com
Peru www.peruseek.com
Philadelphia www.philadelphiaseek.com
Philippines www.philippinesseek.com
Phnom Penh www.phnompenhseek.com
Pittsburgh www.pittsburghseek.com
Poland www.polandseek.com
Portland www.portlandseek.com
Portugal www.portugalseek.com
Pretoria www.pretoriaseek.com
Prince Edward Island www.princeedwardisland-seek.com
Puerto Rico www.puertoricoseek.com
Punjab www.punjabseek.com
Putra Jaya www.putrajayaseek.com
Pyongyang www.pyongyangseek.com
Qatar www.qatarseek.com
Qinghai www.qinghaiseek.com
Quebec www.quebec-seek.com
Queensland www.queenslandseek.com
Rajasthan www.rajasthanseek.com
Raleigh www.raleighseek.com
Republic of Tajikistan www.tajikistanseek.com
Riyadh www.riyadhseek.com
Romania www.romaniaseek.com
Russia www.russiaseek.com
Rwanda www.rwandaseek.com
Sacramento www.sacramentoseek.com
Saint Barthelemy www.saintbarthelemyseek.com
Saint Helena www.sainthelenaseek.com
Saint Kitts And Nevis www.saintkittsandnevisseek.com
Saint Lucia www.saintluciaseek.com
Saint Martin www.saintmartinseek.com
Salt Lake City www.saltlakecityseek.com
Samoa www.samoaseek.com
San Antonio www.sanantonioseek.com
San Marino www.sanmarinoseek.com
Sao Paulo www.saopauloseek.com
Saskatchewan www.saskatchewan-seek.com
Saudi Arabia www.saudiarabiaseek.com
Scotland www.scotlandseek.com
Senegal www.senegalseek.com
Serbia www.serbiaseek.com
Seychelles www.seychellesseek.com
Shaanxi www.shaanxiseek.com
Shandong www.shandongseek.com
Shanxi www.shanxiseek.com
Shen Zhen www.shenzhenseek.com
Sichuan www.sichuanseek.com
Sierra Leone www.sierraleoneseek.com
Sikkim www.sikkimseek.com
Singapore www.singaporeseek.com
Slovakia www.slovakiaseek.com
Slovenia www.sloveniaseek.com
Solomon Islands www.solomonislandsseek.com
Somalia www.somaliaseek.com
Somaliland www.somalilandseek.com
South Africa www.southafricaseek.com
South Australia www.southaustraliaseek.com
South Carolina www.southcarolinaseek.com
South Dakota www.southdakotaseek.com
South Ossetia www.southossetiaseek.com
Spain www.spain-seek.com
Sri Lanka www.srilankaseek.com
St Louis www.stlouiseek.com
Sudan www.sudanseek.com
Suriname www.surinameseek.com
Svalbard www.svalbardseek.com
Swaziland www.swazilandseek.com
Sweden www.swedenseek.com
Switzerland www.switzerlandseek.com
Syria www.syria-seek.com
Taipei www.taipeiseek.com
Taiwan www.taiwanseek.com
Tamil Nadu www.tamilnaduseek.com
Tanzania www.tanzaniaseek.com
Tasmania www.tasmaniaseek.com
Tehran www.tehranseek.com
Thailand www.thailand2seek.com
Tianjin www.tianjinseek.com
Tibet www.tibetseek.com
Tientsin www.tientsinseek.com
Tobago www.tobagoseek.com
Togo www.togoseek.com
Tokelau www.tokelauseek.com
Tonga www.tongaseek.com
Transnistria www.transnistriaseek.com
Trinidad www.trinidadseek.com
Tripura www.tripuraseek.com
Tristan Da Cunha www.tristandacunhaseek.com
Tunisian Republic www.tunisiaseek.com
Turkey www.turkey-seek.com
Turkmenistan www.turkmenistanseek.com
Tuvalu www.tuvaluseek.com
Uganda www.ugandaseek.com
Ukraine www.ukraineseek.com
United Arab Emirates www.emiratesseek.com
United Arab Emirates www.unitedarabemiratesseek.com
United Kingdom www.unitedkingdomseek.com
United States www.unitedstatesseek.com
Uruguay www.uruguayseek.com
Uttar www.uttarseek.com
Uttarakhand www.uttarakhandseek.com
Uzbekistan www.uzbekistanseek.com
Vanuatu www.vanuatuseek.com
Vatican City www.vaticancityseek.com
Venezuela www.venezuelaseek.com
Victoria www.victoriaseek.com
Vienna www.viennaseek.com
Vientiane www.vientianeseek.com
Vietnam www.vietnam-seek.com
Vilnius www.vilniusseek.com
Virgin Islands www.virginislandsseek.com
Wales www.walesseek.com
Wallis and Futuna www.wallisandfutunaseek.com
Warsaw www.warsawseek.com
Washington dc www.washingtondcseek.com
Wellington www.wellingtonseek.com
West Bengal www.westbengalseek.com
West Virginia www.westvirginiaseek.com
Western Australia www.westernaustraliaseek.com
Western Sahara www.westernsaharaseek.com
Windhoek www.windhoekseek.com
World www.world2seek.com
Wyoming www.wyomingseek.com
Xinjiang www.xinjiangseek.com
Xizang www.xizangseek.com
Yaoundé www.yaoundeseek.com
Yemen www.yemenseek.com
Yugoslavia www.yugoslaviaseek.com
Yukon territory www.yukonterritoryseek.com
Yunnan www.yunnanseek.com
Zambia www.zambiaseek.com
Zhejiang www.zhejiangseek.com
Zhongguo www.zhongguoseek.com
Zimbabwe www.zimbabweseek.com
Afghanistan www.afghanistanprop.com
Algeria www.algeriaprop.com
Andorra www.andorraprop.com
Angola www.angolaprop.com
Argentina www.argentinaprop.com
Armenia www.armeniaprop.com
Australia www.australiaprop.com
Austria www.austriaprop.com
Azerbaijan www.azerbaijanprop.com
Bahamas www.bahamasprop.com
Bahrain www.bahrainprop.com
Bangladesh www.bangladeshprop.com
Barbados www.barbadosprop.com
Beijing www.beijingprop.com
Belarus www.belarusprop.com
Belgium www.belgiumprop.com
Belize www.belizeprop.com
Benin www.beninprop.com
Bermuda www.bermudaprop.com
Bhutan www.bhutanprop.com
Bolivia www.boliviaprop.com
Botswana www.botswanaprop.com
Brunei www.bruneiprop.com
Burundi www.burundiprop.com
Cambodia www.cambodiaprop.com
Cameroon www.cameroonprop.com
Canada www.canadaprop.com
Chad www.chadprop.com
China www.chinaprop.com
Comoros www.comorosprop.com
Colombia www.colombiaprop.com
Congo www.congoprop.com
Costa Rica www.costaricaprop.com
Croatia www.croatiaprop.com
Cuba www.cuba-prop.com
Czech www.czechprop.com
Denmark www.denmarkprop.com
Dominica www.dominicaprop.com
East Timor www.easttimorprop.com
Ecuador www.ecuadorprop.com
Egypt www.egyptprop.com
El salvador www.elsalvadorprop.com
Emirates www.emiratesprop.com
Estonia www.estoniaprop.com
Ethiopia www.ethiopiaprop.com
Fiji www.fijiprop.com
Finland www.finlandprop.com
France www.france-prop.com
Gabon www.gabonprop.com
Gambia www.gambiaprop.com
Germany www.germanyprop.com
Ghana www.ghanaprop.com
Gibraltar www.gibraltarprop.com
Greece www.greeceprop.com
Grenada www.grenadaprop.com
Guatemala www.guatemalaprop.com
Guernsey www.guernseyprop.com
Guinea www.guineaprop.com
Guyana www.guyanaprop.com
Haiti www.haitiprop.com
Honduras www.hondurasprop.com
Hong Kong www.hongkongprop.com
Hungary www.hungaryprop.com
India www.india-prop.com
Indonesia www.indonesiaprop.com
Iran www.iranprop.com
Iraq www.iraqprop.com
Ireland www.irelandprop.com
Israel www.israelprop.com
Italy www.italy-prop.com
Ivory Coast www.ivorycoastprop.com
Jamaica www.jamaicaprop.com
Japan www.japanprop.com
Jordan www.jordanprop.com
Kenya www.kenyaprop.com
Kiribati www.kiribatiprop.com
Korea www.koreaprop.com
Kosovo www.kosovoprop.com
Kuwait www.kuwaitprop.com
Kyrgyzstan www.kyrgyzstanprop.com
Laos www.laosprop.com
Lebanon www.lebanonprop.com
Lesotho www.lesothoprop.com
Liberia www.liberiaprop.com
Libya www.libyaprop.com
Lithuania www.lithuaniaprop.com
Luxembourg www.luxembourgprop.com
Macao www.macaoprop.com
Macedonia www.macedoniaprop.com
Madagascar www.madagascarprop.com
Malawi www.malawiprop.com
Maldives www.maldivesprop.com
Mali www.maliprop.com
Malta www.maltaprop.com
Mauritius www.mauritiusprop.com
Mayotte www.mayotteprop.com
Mexico www.mexicoprop.com
Micronesia www.micronesiaprop.com
Moldova www.moldovaprop.com
Mongolia www.mongoliaprop.com
Montenegro www.montenegroprop.com
Montserrat www.montserratprop.com
Mozambique www.mozambiqueprop.com
Myanmar www.myanmarprop.com
Namibia www.namibiaprop.com
Nauru www.nauruprop.com
Nepal www.nepalprop.com
Netherlands www.netherlandsprop.com
New Zealand www.newzealandprop.com
Nicaragua www.nicaraguaprop.com
Nigeria www.nigeriaprop.com
Niger www.nigerprop.com
Papua New Guinea www.papuanewguineaprop.com
Peru www.peruprop.com
Philippines www.philippinesprop.com
Poland www.polandprop.com
Puerto Rico www.puertoricoprop.com
Qatar www.qatarprop.com
Romania www.romaniaprop.com
Russia www.russiaprop.com
Rwanda www.rwandaprop.com
Samoa www.samoaprop.com
Ssaudi Arabia www.saudiarabiaprop.com
Senegal www.senegalprop.com
Serbia www.serbiaprop.com
Shanghai www.shanghaiprop.com
Sierra Leone www.sierraleoneprop.com
Slovakia www.slovakiaprop.com
Slovenia www.sloveniaprop.com
Somalia www.somaliaprop.com
Somaliland www.somalilandprop.com
South Africa www.southafricaprop.com
Spain www.spain-prop.com
Sri Lanka www.srilankaprop.com
Sudan www.sudanprop.com
Swaziland www.swazilandprop.com
Sweden www.swedenprop.com
Switzerland www.switzerlandprop.com
Syria www.syriaprop.com
Taiwan www.taiwanprop.com
Tajikistan www.tajikistanprop.com
Tanzania www.tanzaniaprop.com
Thailand www.thailand-prop.com
Tobago www.tobagoprop.com
Togo www.togoprop.com
Tonga www.tongaprop.com
Transnistria www.transnistriaprop.com
Trinidad www.trinidadprop.com
Trinidad Tobago www.trinidadtobagoprop.com
Tunisia www.tunisiaprop.com
Turkey www.turkey-prop.com
Turkmenistan www.turkmenistanprop.com
Tuvalu www.tuvaluprop.com
Uganda www.ugandaprop.com
Ukraine www.ukraineprop.com
United kingdom www.unitedkingdomprop.com
United states www.unitedstatesprop.com
Uruguay www.uruguayprop.com
Uzbekistan www.uzbekistanprop.com
Vanuatu www.vanuatuprop.com
Vatican www.vaticanprop.com
Venezuela www.venezuelaprop.com
Vietnam www.vietnamprop.com
Western Sahara www.westernsaharaprop.com
Yemen www.yemenprop.com
Zambia www.zambiaprop.com
Zimbabwe www.zimbabweprop.com
Andorra www.andorrasearch.com
Anhui www.anhuisearch.com
Artsakh www.artsakhsearch.com
Burundi www.burundisearch.com
Cameroon www.cameroonsearch.com
Cixi www.cixisearch.com
Commonwealth www.commonwealthsearch.com
East Timor www.easttimorsearch.com
Ethiopia www.ethiopiasearch.com
Fujian www.fujiansearch.com
Gansu www.gansusearch.com
Greenland www.greenlandsearch.com
Guangdong www.guangdongsearch.com
Guangxi www.guangxisearch.com
Guinea www.guineasearch.com
Guizhou www.guizhousearch.com
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Human never have enough?
I understand from some opposition leader or supporter blog, they like to condemn leader and party, instead of proposing more ideal and opinion to improve Malaysia.
Lets compare with our neighbor, Indonesia, how you think indonesia ? Do you know Indonesia chinese and indian hardly speak mandarin and tamil ? why? they have no freedom to speak their own language, so sad.
Lets compare singapore, malaysia have pure chinese and tamil school, singapore majority chinese , but never have a single one tamil and chinese school.
Sometime we need to learn to appreciate , everyone make mistake, we need to give them a change to change, last 308 have teach BN a good lesson, but do you think voter is 100% support opposition ?
I not think so, some of them not even know who is candidate. they just vote for frustration.
I think BN will change, i am a Gerakan member, i feel the change, others BN party i not sure. UMNO have change a bit. we can feel it. OM adullah agreed to step down, this is a signal for change.
But i really hate corruption, everyone know the fact malaysia have serious corruption, is one of the worst country in the world, this really need to be change.
Lets compare with our neighbor, Indonesia, how you think indonesia ? Do you know Indonesia chinese and indian hardly speak mandarin and tamil ? why? they have no freedom to speak their own language, so sad.
Lets compare singapore, malaysia have pure chinese and tamil school, singapore majority chinese , but never have a single one tamil and chinese school.
Sometime we need to learn to appreciate , everyone make mistake, we need to give them a change to change, last 308 have teach BN a good lesson, but do you think voter is 100% support opposition ?
I not think so, some of them not even know who is candidate. they just vote for frustration.
I think BN will change, i am a Gerakan member, i feel the change, others BN party i not sure. UMNO have change a bit. we can feel it. OM adullah agreed to step down, this is a signal for change.
But i really hate corruption, everyone know the fact malaysia have serious corruption, is one of the worst country in the world, this really need to be change.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Reply to ryan and romerz
October 11th, 2008 at 6:16 pm
Oh my GodI I don’t criticize UMNO?
I’ve criticized UMNO and especially the home minister until I got an email warning from the authorities to cool down.
Please read what I have written since the ISA arrests on Sep 12/13.
Unbelievable that that you would say that I don’t criticize UMNO.
When I met PGRM president, he introduced me to the other members present that this guy is someone who wants to join us but he can’t stand the smelly UMNO. And I didn’t say that once to him but I implied that.
I believe that noting will change in this country unless UMNO changes. I only attack Gerakan because it still thinks that UMNO will solve all the problems of our country by itself without any pressure.
Tonight, I had drinks with an old friend of mine from school whom I’ve not seen for 32 years (since form 5).
He told me that he made his way up to UMNO branch chief in Penang but he got fed-up with the ‘bandits’ within UMNO before 12 GE.
He left in 2006. Not yet in opposition but no more blind support for UMNO.
Now how long do you think UMNO will last if their members are abandoning them? How long do you think Gerakan will last with all the sweet proclamations of rebranding, reforming, etc? But still continue to remain friends with UMNO/
I do not know what goes on behind close doors for you Gerakan guys but it is definitely not enough for us the angry rakyat!
October 12th, 2008 at 4:16 am
In the past, when people questioned the Government about ISA, Najib said, “Critize the US’s Abu Ghraib prison before you wanna criticize ISA.” When US expressed their concern about ISA detention, our ever almighty Najib replied the same thing.
What has this bring us to? It seems like we prefer to direct the criticisms to others without bothering to understand the rationales behind. This mentality is dreadful, and I regret that someone just cannot get it.
Oppositions only know acting? Funny, Lim Kit Siang has devoted his entire life in fighting for democracy, equity, fair, justice, etc. And you blatant biased and non-sensical accusations are UNFAIR to all our country heroes. Any apology here?
Self-proclaimed in contributing SO MUCH to country? So, let’s us share what you have contributed, my dear friend.
No disrespect here, but I hope to see more insightful posts but not childish accusations here.
Romerz: Do not let a party minnow hamper your passion and aspirations in contributing whatever you have to the party and the country. Sometimes, some people just can’t have the large-enough perspective to appreciate it. And I believe Si Pin agree that your input is much appreciated.
Hello ryan, if you really brave enough like romerz show you identity, there is useless shouting behind and hidden yourself, i believed you also always criticized us on shouting inside BN but never confront with UMNO, but you seen to be worst than us, right.
Sorry to accuse romerz on not criticize UMNO , UMNO really need to change, otherwise next election we all will gone. People are observing DAP, PKR working for next few years. I not think they can perform well, they use to criticizing people instead of contributing for all passed year.
I really hope that our future PM Najib can really work out something. I am a Skudai resident, if you really need to see what I have done, please log in to http://www.youtube.com/user/gerakanskudai , i have movie to prove i am working hard for Skudai election on 308, but unfortunately we lost, i really sad, if you did not see me in the movie , i am the one who take the movie, i have encourage and proposed so hard to Gerakan center committee about how important of IT in politic, i have attended the Youth cc meeting and proposing Sdr Mah. I even critizied Dr koh about ignoring the IT influencing power in Malaysia politic (personal meeting). NOW i see the changes, they have start to use youtube ,facebook and other IT media to tell people that we are working.
I am the boss of 35 staff, i always tell them that if you work hard you need to tell me otherwise i would not that you work hard right ?
Sametime in politic, we, Gerakan work dam hard, but never tell people, DAP different from us , they work a bit and publish like hollywood big movie .
Why shall we work hard and keep quiet ?
Now i think they have change, before me Dr Hsu have ever mentioned this to center , but they seen to be not convinced, this round maybe they lost in 308, and i just happen in right time to shooting and shouting out this problem. I more than qualify to sound out this IT exposure, because i am a IT man, started my company www.akyweb.com 10 years ago in Singapore and Singapore have recognized me with honored me a Spirit of enterprise award in 2006. pls log into http://www.soe.org.sg/files/06_40.htm.
I not asking anything from party even i have developed a nation website (demosite) http://akyweb.com.sg/gerakan/ , wanita http://akyweb.com.sg/gerakanwanita/ and youth.
All this is waiting after the election, I still waiting for the green light to live it. Nation one is already done, wanita and youth is waiting approval. All this in no cost 100% free of charge.
So ryan, what you have done for party and nation ?
October 11th, 2008 at 6:16 pm
Oh my GodI I don’t criticize UMNO?
I’ve criticized UMNO and especially the home minister until I got an email warning from the authorities to cool down.
Please read what I have written since the ISA arrests on Sep 12/13.
Unbelievable that that you would say that I don’t criticize UMNO.
When I met PGRM president, he introduced me to the other members present that this guy is someone who wants to join us but he can’t stand the smelly UMNO. And I didn’t say that once to him but I implied that.
I believe that noting will change in this country unless UMNO changes. I only attack Gerakan because it still thinks that UMNO will solve all the problems of our country by itself without any pressure.
Tonight, I had drinks with an old friend of mine from school whom I’ve not seen for 32 years (since form 5).
He told me that he made his way up to UMNO branch chief in Penang but he got fed-up with the ‘bandits’ within UMNO before 12 GE.
He left in 2006. Not yet in opposition but no more blind support for UMNO.
Now how long do you think UMNO will last if their members are abandoning them? How long do you think Gerakan will last with all the sweet proclamations of rebranding, reforming, etc? But still continue to remain friends with UMNO/
I do not know what goes on behind close doors for you Gerakan guys but it is definitely not enough for us the angry rakyat!
October 12th, 2008 at 4:16 am
In the past, when people questioned the Government about ISA, Najib said, “Critize the US’s Abu Ghraib prison before you wanna criticize ISA.” When US expressed their concern about ISA detention, our ever almighty Najib replied the same thing.
What has this bring us to? It seems like we prefer to direct the criticisms to others without bothering to understand the rationales behind. This mentality is dreadful, and I regret that someone just cannot get it.
Oppositions only know acting? Funny, Lim Kit Siang has devoted his entire life in fighting for democracy, equity, fair, justice, etc. And you blatant biased and non-sensical accusations are UNFAIR to all our country heroes. Any apology here?
Self-proclaimed in contributing SO MUCH to country? So, let’s us share what you have contributed, my dear friend.
No disrespect here, but I hope to see more insightful posts but not childish accusations here.
Romerz: Do not let a party minnow hamper your passion and aspirations in contributing whatever you have to the party and the country. Sometimes, some people just can’t have the large-enough perspective to appreciate it. And I believe Si Pin agree that your input is much appreciated.
Hello ryan, if you really brave enough like romerz show you identity, there is useless shouting behind and hidden yourself, i believed you also always criticized us on shouting inside BN but never confront with UMNO, but you seen to be worst than us, right.
Sorry to accuse romerz on not criticize UMNO , UMNO really need to change, otherwise next election we all will gone. People are observing DAP, PKR working for next few years. I not think they can perform well, they use to criticizing people instead of contributing for all passed year.
I really hope that our future PM Najib can really work out something. I am a Skudai resident, if you really need to see what I have done, please log in to http://www.youtube.com/user/gerakanskudai , i have movie to prove i am working hard for Skudai election on 308, but unfortunately we lost, i really sad, if you did not see me in the movie , i am the one who take the movie, i have encourage and proposed so hard to Gerakan center committee about how important of IT in politic, i have attended the Youth cc meeting and proposing Sdr Mah. I even critizied Dr koh about ignoring the IT influencing power in Malaysia politic (personal meeting). NOW i see the changes, they have start to use youtube ,facebook and other IT media to tell people that we are working.
I am the boss of 35 staff, i always tell them that if you work hard you need to tell me otherwise i would not that you work hard right ?
Sametime in politic, we, Gerakan work dam hard, but never tell people, DAP different from us , they work a bit and publish like hollywood big movie .
Why shall we work hard and keep quiet ?
Now i think they have change, before me Dr Hsu have ever mentioned this to center , but they seen to be not convinced, this round maybe they lost in 308, and i just happen in right time to shooting and shouting out this problem. I more than qualify to sound out this IT exposure, because i am a IT man, started my company www.akyweb.com 10 years ago in Singapore and Singapore have recognized me with honored me a Spirit of enterprise award in 2006. pls log into http://www.soe.org.sg/files/06_40.htm.
I not asking anything from party even i have developed a nation website (demosite) http://akyweb.com.sg/gerakan/ , wanita http://akyweb.com.sg/gerakanwanita/ and youth.
All this is waiting after the election, I still waiting for the green light to live it. Nation one is already done, wanita and youth is waiting approval. All this in no cost 100% free of charge.
So ryan, what you have done for party and nation ?
Party election done what is NEXT?
For passed few months our party leader busy campaigning around the whole Malaysia, Party election is done.what is next ?
Most leader fighting for the post for himself or for party or for nation ?
I really hope our leader stop fighting each other and start to work for our nation. this is the time to start to rebuild the people confident against our party.
Hello our Gerakan new leader, this is the time to show your contribution and work. The most important is not to fight each other in party.
The most important is to show to our fellow Malaysian how much we contribute to the nation. 308 we have lost , and we almost loss everything. next 3 years our elected leader PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS wake up and work well to gain back the malaysian vote.
I believed if we really work hard for them , in next election we shall win back all our seat , regardless state or parliament. Stop saying who is chief minister, work to be a chief minister OK
Most leader fighting for the post for himself or for party or for nation ?
I really hope our leader stop fighting each other and start to work for our nation. this is the time to start to rebuild the people confident against our party.
Hello our Gerakan new leader, this is the time to show your contribution and work. The most important is not to fight each other in party.
The most important is to show to our fellow Malaysian how much we contribute to the nation. 308 we have lost , and we almost loss everything. next 3 years our elected leader PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS wake up and work well to gain back the malaysian vote.
I believed if we really work hard for them , in next election we shall win back all our seat , regardless state or parliament. Stop saying who is chief minister, work to be a chief minister OK
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lim Si Pin won Because his Father?
obviously this election may have some people is happy and some does not. But this is democracy country and our party respect democracy as well. Hence i hope whether you lost or won , i really hope all of us can work together, the senior generation is unlikely to change the Gerakan, even they keen, the environment do not allowed to do so.
10 years down the road i believed Gerakan want to gain back the good result as before 308 is not really that easy. hence the fact is that the youth, the young generation really need to work hard, regardless is 10 years or 20 years, i believe our generatio will ha ve a good hope to gain back the result as before 308.
Since Lim Si Pin have won as chief youth , Everyone please stop talking him and his father. A lot of people claiming that Si pin in politic is because his Father. For me i think maybe if Si Pin whithout his father , he may growth faster than what he is now.
As Prime Minister of Singapore Lee sien Loong ever mentioned n the press, if Lee Kuan Yew is not his father , he can be Prime Miniter even much earlier.
Since our Party is democracy, hence i hope everyone should respect the democracy, Lim Si Pin have won the sit of chief Youth , let give him the full support.
10 years down the road i believed Gerakan want to gain back the good result as before 308 is not really that easy. hence the fact is that the youth, the young generation really need to work hard, regardless is 10 years or 20 years, i believe our generatio will ha ve a good hope to gain back the result as before 308.
Since Lim Si Pin have won as chief youth , Everyone please stop talking him and his father. A lot of people claiming that Si pin in politic is because his Father. For me i think maybe if Si Pin whithout his father , he may growth faster than what he is now.
As Prime Minister of Singapore Lee sien Loong ever mentioned n the press, if Lee Kuan Yew is not his father , he can be Prime Miniter even much earlier.
Since our Party is democracy, hence i hope everyone should respect the democracy, Lim Si Pin have won the sit of chief Youth , let give him the full support.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Malaysian do not like BN or UMNO ? IF UMNO leave BN will it be better ?
to be continue tomorrow................
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