Tuesday, November 25, 2008

economy crisis , how bad is our country Malaysia ?

Everyday, when you read news is about economy bad bad bad , here retrench there cut cost and so on..................

Malaysia government yet to take any necessary to bail out or to cover the problem, i believed that it maybe due to UMNO election for next year, as far as i concern Malaysia is very much rely one palm oil and petrol for export, however, up to date our beloved Malaysia government have not yet disclose the problem we face, funny right ?
Singapore government have took so many step to cut and cut cost, even the minister have no choice to cut their salary, the government of Singapore even guarantee the bak deposit.....

many company have facing a financial problem, last time or rather old time, people like to work for bigggggggggggggggg company, they feel proud and so called yaya. But to day big company is going into deep shit, USA have GM,Lehman brother,AIG,ford and many others like UK, Swiss,Germany and so on. So today working or doing business is not so easy.

more people will stress, who else will care about the politic when their stomach is hungry ?