Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reply to ryan and romerz


October 11th, 2008 at 6:16 pm

Oh my GodI I don’t criticize UMNO?

I’ve criticized UMNO and especially the home minister until I got an email warning from the authorities to cool down.

Please read what I have written since the ISA arrests on Sep 12/13.

Unbelievable that that you would say that I don’t criticize UMNO.

When I met PGRM president, he introduced me to the other members present that this guy is someone who wants to join us but he can’t stand the smelly UMNO. And I didn’t say that once to him but I implied that.

I believe that noting will change in this country unless UMNO changes. I only attack Gerakan because it still thinks that UMNO will solve all the problems of our country by itself without any pressure.

Tonight, I had drinks with an old friend of mine from school whom I’ve not seen for 32 years (since form 5).

He told me that he made his way up to UMNO branch chief in Penang but he got fed-up with the ‘bandits’ within UMNO before 12 GE.

He left in 2006. Not yet in opposition but no more blind support for UMNO.

Now how long do you think UMNO will last if their members are abandoning them? How long do you think Gerakan will last with all the sweet proclamations of rebranding, reforming, etc? But still continue to remain friends with UMNO/

I do not know what goes on behind close doors for you Gerakan guys but it is definitely not enough for us the angry rakyat!

October 12th, 2008 at 4:16 am

In the past, when people questioned the Government about ISA, Najib said, “Critize the US’s Abu Ghraib prison before you wanna criticize ISA.” When US expressed their concern about ISA detention, our ever almighty Najib replied the same thing.

What has this bring us to? It seems like we prefer to direct the criticisms to others without bothering to understand the rationales behind. This mentality is dreadful, and I regret that someone just cannot get it.

Oppositions only know acting? Funny, Lim Kit Siang has devoted his entire life in fighting for democracy, equity, fair, justice, etc. And you blatant biased and non-sensical accusations are UNFAIR to all our country heroes. Any apology here?

Self-proclaimed in contributing SO MUCH to country? So, let’s us share what you have contributed, my dear friend.

No disrespect here, but I hope to see more insightful posts but not childish accusations here.

Romerz: Do not let a party minnow hamper your passion and aspirations in contributing whatever you have to the party and the country. Sometimes, some people just can’t have the large-enough perspective to appreciate it. And I believe Si Pin agree that your input is much appreciated.


Hello ryan, if you really brave enough like romerz show you identity, there is useless shouting behind and hidden yourself, i believed you also always criticized us on shouting inside BN but never confront with UMNO, but you seen to be worst than us, right.

Sorry to accuse romerz on not criticize UMNO , UMNO really need to change, otherwise next election we all will gone. People are observing DAP, PKR working for next few years. I not think they can perform well, they use to criticizing people instead of contributing for all passed year.

I really hope that our future PM Najib can really work out something. I am a Skudai resident, if you really need to see what I have done, please log in to , i have movie to prove i am working hard for Skudai election on 308, but unfortunately we lost, i really sad, if you did not see me in the movie , i am the one who take the movie, i have encourage and proposed so hard to Gerakan center committee about how important of IT in politic, i have attended the Youth cc meeting and proposing Sdr Mah. I even critizied Dr koh about ignoring the IT influencing power in Malaysia politic (personal meeting). NOW i see the changes, they have start to use youtube ,facebook and other IT media to tell people that we are working.

I am the boss of 35 staff, i always tell them that if you work hard you need to tell me otherwise i would not that you work hard right ?

Sametime in politic, we, Gerakan work dam hard, but never tell people, DAP different from us , they work a bit and publish like hollywood big movie .

Why shall we work hard and keep quiet ?

Now i think they have change, before me Dr Hsu have ever mentioned this to center , but they seen to be not convinced, this round maybe they lost in 308, and i just happen in right time to shooting and shouting out this problem. I more than qualify to sound out this IT exposure, because i am a IT man, started my company 10 years ago in Singapore and Singapore have recognized me with honored me a Spirit of enterprise award in 2006. pls log into

I not asking anything from party even i have developed a nation website (demosite) , wanita and youth.
All this is waiting after the election, I still waiting for the green light to live it. Nation one is already done, wanita and youth is waiting approval. All this in no cost 100% free of charge.

So ryan, what you have done for party and nation ?


  1. Hello ryan, if you really brave enough like romerz show you identity, there is useless shouting behind and hidden yourself, i believed you also always criticized us on shouting inside BN but never confront with UMNO, but you seen to be worst than us, right.

    Sorry to accuse romerz on not criticize UMNO , UMNO really need to change, otherwise next election we all will gone. People are observing DAP, PKR working for next few years. I not think they can perform well, they use to criticizing people instead of contributing for all passed year.

    I really hope that our future PM Najib can really work out something. I am a Skudai resident, if you really need to see what I have done, please log in to , i have movie to prove i am working hard for Skudai election on 308, but unfortunately we lost, i really sad, if you did not see me in the movie , i am the one who take the movie, i have encourage and proposed so hard to Gerakan center committee about how important of IT in politic, i have attended the Youth cc meeting and proposing Sdr Mah. I even critizied Dr koh about ignoring the IT influencing power in Malaysia politic (personal meeting). NOW i see the changes, they have start to use youtube ,facebook and other IT media to tell people that we are working.

    I am the boss of 35 staff, i always tell them that if you work hard you need to tell me otherwise i would not that you work hard right ?

    Sametime in politic, we, Gerakan work dam hard, but never tell people, DAP different from us , they work a bit and publish like hollywood big movie .

    Why shall we work hard and keep quiet ?

    Now i think they have change, before me Dr Hsu have ever mentioned this to center , but they seen to be not convinced, this round maybe they lost in 308, and i just happen in right time to shooting and shouting out this problem. I more than qualify to sound out this IT exposure, because i am a IT man, started my company 10 years ago in Singapore and Singapore have recognized me with honored me a Spirit of enterprise award in 2006. pls log into

    I not asking anything from party even i have developed a nation website (demosite) , wanita and youth.
    All this is waiting after the election, I still waiting for the green light to live it. Nation one is already done, wanita and youth is waiting approval. All this in no cost 100% free of charge.

    So ryan, what you have done for party and nation ?

  2. No need to ask Ryan for his contrbution to this nation and his identity. If he pay his taxes, he his already contributing towards his nation. There many gerakan goons and lapdogs writing absurd comments in the blogs but we have not demanded for their identity. So, what is your purpose for Ryan to reveal his identity? Remember you may be a boss with 35 staffs but in the cyberspace you are nobody. so DON'T demand. If you dislike his comments, go close you blog. Talk like an IT man not like an IT illiterate!

    I am from Penang and have been living in a Gerakan ruled state until March 8. And majority awakened Penangnites know that Gerakan is a useless party which only work for themselves. Penang's situation proves that Gerakan cannot govern properly and after March 8 proves that they cannot even be a good opposition. Go close shop-lah Gerakan!

    You may say that the PR are good in making movies but sad to say that you gerakan lapdogs can't even produce a convincing movie let alone act in one. Maybe you all can be good actors in one drama, acting as enunchs for UMNO!

    Luckily we did not re-elect your KTK in March 8. When a low rank component member tears and spits on your president's photo and he is not punished for it shows that you party is not able to influence anything in BN. If your UMNO master does not respect gerakan and you are still there with them only proves that you only exist and work for your personal greed.

    Do tell us if have worked hard gerakan, as far as we know you can work your ass off BUT it is not for the rakyat but for your own selfish greed and personal gains.
    We the rakyat are no longer the stupid bosses after March 8 to know which party is contributing without being told unlike some stupid boss in Skudai who needs his staff to advertise and to 'act in movies'only then he will know who is working and who is not.

    So, do you want to know my identity?

  3. Some people can always be a politicall workhorse, but not an insightful and aspiring leader. As simple as that

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