Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jeff Ooi The YB (Yang Burung)?

Recently i found out that this jeff Ooi is really tooooooooooo much, u know why, he keep claiming how good he is in Internet world , what the hell -by setting up a blog in 2003, what so BIG jeff, i been running a online solution company in singapore for more than 9 years, a blog just a kid playing toy OK, what making u so special, just becoz in Malaysia blog is a new thing and the Barisan National government is helping you to popularise your blog by slowing down the introduction of internet broadband and the Malaysia IT exposure is less popular at that time, in singapore is already so popular and normal.

Secondly , u are abusing the blog to shoot the government which most of people like to hear so much, but hello yang burung do remember, now a day u already a burung, do not movie around again OK, do your job properly, not movieing around in the internet world again, we as a tax payer of malaysia, we have right to ensure u doing your job properly.

DO NOT wasting our tax payer money by acting in internet world, for your information my IT company got awarded spirit of enterprise in Singapore 2006, what u have claimed in your blog that u have highhit rate is rubbish for me, u know why ? 200,000 hits ? bullshit lah are they a unique visitor ? proved it lah, bullshiting with public maybe is easy, but with me u better dun talk tooooooooooooo loud in IT world i ready and stand by watching your performance, further i see you bullshitting in the blog i will sniper u OK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u r PGRM people,but u act like moron and monkey.Macam org gila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!